Dear Dojo Community,
some DataMiner setups at certain customer sites still rely on an architecture with two DMAs on Windows Server in a failover setup, where each DMA hosts its own Cassandra DB. The failover synchronization works as shown in this picture:
Such setups are still supported, but not recommended.
Now I am wondering if, when considering OpenSearch hosted on Windows Server as well, the failover synchronization/replication would work as shown in this picture:
It's not recommended, but anyway I would like to know if this is basically possible at all.
In other words: Is it possible (though not recommended) to safely and resiliently work with OpenSearch hosted locally in a failover configuration like this?
Thanks in advance for any hint or suggestion.
Best Regards
Hi Jörg,
On Separate Cassandra setup with indexing | DataMiner Docs some possible setups are shown.
I believe the setup you are looking for is Failover pair with Cassandra database hosted on the same machines as DataMiner and a one-node OpenSearch database:
Note that on the top of the page we also mention the following:
With this architecture, each DMA has its own Cassandra database (which can be a cluster with several nodes). However, only one OpenSearch/Elasticsearch cluster is used for the entire DMS.
In conclusion it is not supported to use a setup where you have a separate OpenSearch per agent.
Kind regards,

Hi Xander,
thanks for your conclusions. When asking my question, I just wanted to be really sure whether or not it's supported to run a separate OpenSearch per agent, and you gave me the answer.
Best Regards