Since DataMiner 9.0.5 it's possible to display custom icons for elements/services/views.
I wonder if it's also possible to display these icons in a Visio shape?
Gellynck Jens [SLC] Selected answer as best 1st September 2021
In Visual Overview, there's currently no out of the box way to show the custom icons.
There's several options to make this possible.
- Make the icons folder available through IIS, in the same way the documents and webpages are available. You can then use url's to link directly to the image (or even to an html that processes the image).
Downsides:- No theming will be possible without adjustments made in the code to pass an url parameter for this for instance
- Security wise it might not be recommended to open up another folder through IIS just for this.
- Create a new feature in DataMiner Cube to display the custom icons, with support for theming
Downside: Implementation cost, as this is a completely new feature. - Make the icons available somewhere else link them through the URL.
Downsides:- 2 locations of images to maintain
- No theming will be possible without adjustments made in the code to pass an url parameter for this for instance.
Ben Vandenberghe [SLC] [DevOps Enabler] Posted new comment 1st September 2021

Not sure if those icons are replicated in this library. But in any case this is a great library to build graphics in Visual Overview: