We have a case where monitoring Linux server via the Linux SNMP Platform connector results in below errors:
Could this error message be please further clarified --> "Discovery Failed"

Yes, using version 3.
Hi Reza,
We received a similar report recently for symptoms as you describe here, could you let us know a bit about how that issue occurred?
Are you using IP address or hostname?
Do you happen to know if the element was recently in timeout just before that issue started to manifest itself?
Or if you point a different element to the same device if it also has issues?

“Are you using IP address or hostname?”
Using hostname.
“Do you happen to know if the element was recently in timeout just before that issue started to manifest itself?”
The element first reports as timeout in streamviewer and then discovery fail reports follow.
“Or if you point a different element to the same device if it also has issues?”
rebuilding new elements against the same device show the same symptoms.
Other linux elements against other devices work and creating an element against the same problematic destination works in a different Dataminer system.

It does indeed look like the same as a software issue we have identified recently and are in the process of investigating.
Could you reach out to support.data-acquisition@skyline.be and techsupport@skyline.be with the information regarding your issue so that we can further investigate a fix and validate also your setup once it is available?

Thanks João, query submitted.
Hi Reza,
Small question, are you polling the Linux server via SNMPv3?