We want to use a toggle button shape in Visio to enable/disable an correlation rule and/or an automation script to prevent it from running. Is this possible to do with a Shape Data Field to use it to either enable/disable the correlation rule, or to "block" the automation script from running?

Hi Michael,
I don't know of a way to disable correlation rules through Visio, a workaround could be to start a script that enables/disables the correlation rule. For this, you can use the UpdateCorrelationRuleMessage (set the Type to Update, fill in the RuleDefinition with the correlationrule ID and use the Enable property to determine if the rule is enabled or disabled).
I don't think there's a way to prevent a script from running. You could work around this by creating a script parameter that indicates if the script is enabled/disabled. For example:

We are trying to do the same (use a shape to trigger an automation script to disable a correlation rule). Is there some sort of template for the UpdateCorrelationRule message that we need to send? I would be really happy about some example and a hint how to implement this. Thanks!
Hi Michael,
since we are trying to find a way to solve exactly this issue, I quickly wanted to ask if you succeeded in any way. Thanks!