Question in regards of DIS (DataMinerIntegrationStudio17- and W11-VS2022 17.5.3 ARM Compatibility
I have a blank windows 11 install and running Visual Studio Community 2022 version 17.5.3 ARM and cannot install DIS.
are there any undescribed DIS limitations I should be aware off? Or are there any other installables I should perform seperatly? I seem to receive a NoApplicable SKUException but I am not aware to what this is linked.
All relevant info to be found below
Error message: This Extension is not installable on any currently installed products; Mentions Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio for Mac are not supported. No Prob; I am running a vm; W11 arm; contains a release for Visual Studio 2022 (version described on the top)
Hi Jan Piet
As you can see in your screenshot, the supported products have ProductArchitecture amd64. As you are running ARM, the extension can not be installed. We haven't tested our extension yet on ARM, but will have a look at that in the future.
As DIS still supports lower Visual Studio version, this is currently not possible as ARM64 support is only available for Visual Studio 22. Next year (2024) DIS will drop support for Visual Studio 19 (as it drops out of mainstream support from Microsoft) and then we can look further in making DIS compatible with ARM64.

Thanks for the quick response Michiel.
I was not sure if it was due to the ARM or due to the W11 which requires updated VS extensions. Google pointed me to the latter.
I hope this addition is available shortly. I do not suspect many issues on this ARM platform as windows also has a good emulation mode for native apps; and perhaps the DIS extension would work out of the box on this platform.
If you want a tester; please contact me. It is rather urgent 🙂
In the meantime I will try to find a suitable alternative for this issue.

I’ll contact you via mail when I have a test build available.
If you want we could supply you with a test build where we enable the ARM support. This way you can check if it will properly install and if any issues arise during usage.