Hi community,
In order to balance the load between all the DMAs in a cluster, we are migrating elements from old DMAs to new DMAs. We are using the latest main release version of DataMiner at the moment, 10.0.0 CU4.
The elements we are migrating were created in April 2020, so they don't have too much historic data, but the elements are CMTSs of both vendors CISCO and CASA Systems, so the amount of data is massive nevertheless.
I did some tests with the export/import method, but when the export process finishes, the package is not created in the path provided, so I think you can take the .zip package created on C:\Skyline DataMiner\System Cache\DELT\Export and use it to import it in the destination DMA. I tried this, but the pop-up window didn't show anything.
So my question is, is there a way to adapt this .zip file and make it work on the destination DMA?
Does someone know how to do this, or where I can find this info?
This is a known issue at the moment with an easy workaround, but not an easy fix.
See: https://intranet.skyline.be/DataMiner/Lists/Release%20Notes/DispForm.aspx?ID=25177
The crux here is that a DELT export of an element that is not hosted on the dma you're connected to follows a slightly different flow and needs to use a call that can time out. If the DELT export takes a long time (as is probable here), the call to the hosting DMA will time out and the resulting export package won't be made. (It will be made, when finished, on the hosting DMA, but since the call already timed out, it won't be sent to the requesting DMA to be put in the final export package) The workaround for this is to start the DELT export of the element on the same DMA as the element is hosted on.

HI Laurens
Thanks for your answer, and indeed that is the first thing that I check when a I try to migrate an element (see that the element belongs to that DMA). Just yesterday I tried to move another element and the process is still there, so I will try to adapt the .zip file created in the DELT cache and try to import it in the destination DMA, I think the process has many problems when the element is heavy.