Hi all,
Can DataMiner uses Keycloak for the authentication of the users?
Koen Cools [SLC] [DevOps Member] Selected answer as best 26th October 2021
According to the help of Keycloak, they support SAML, so this should be possible, but I'm not aware we've already integrated with Keycloak. We've done already many integrations using SAML, e.g. AzureAD, Okta,...
You can find more information on how to integrate with an external identity provider using SAML in the DataMiner help.
Bert Vandenberghe [SLC] [DevOps Enabler] Posted new comment 26th October 2021
Correct, aka auto-provisioning (or just-in-time-provisioning)
In addition since DataMiner 10.2.0 (planned for 25th of February or feature release 10.1.12) it is possible to configure a default security group in which authenticated users will be automatically created in DataMiner.