I have multiple services with the same Visio Template assigned to them.
Every time a user views one of these services, I want a script to execute.
Page-Level Shape Data:
Execute: Script:Service Template Check||myParam=[This card object]|||NoConfirmation,CloseWhenFinished|SetTrigger=ValueChanged
Options: ExecuteSetsOnInit
When troubleshooting this issue I found that this exact configuration does work on a Visio file linked to a view, but it doesn't seem to be working on a Visio file linked to services.
Looking at the logs it seems that the script is not exectuing whatsoever.
Please let me know if I'm missing something!
Hi Amber,
I double checked this on my DataMiner and the script is triggered on both a Service and a View. This is on DataMiner
If the values in your configurations are as you describe. You might hit a software issue, so I would suggest to send to Skyline Techsupport.
Kind Regards,

Ah okay – thanks for the response!