I'm encountering the following dataminer run-time errors:
- Unexpected Exception [Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040251]: The xml file is not found.
(Loading protocol link info Teleste AC8710/Production) ( at Interop.SLXml.XmlClass.QueryNotZipped(UInt32 uiCookie, String bstrQuery, Object& pvarValues)
at Skyline.DataMiner.Net.MessageBuilder.BuildProtocolLinkInfo(String protocolName, String protocolVersion)
at Skyline.DataMiner.Net.ProtocolLinkInfoCache.InternalGetProtocolLinkInfo(String key, String protocolName, String protocolVersion)
at Skyline.DataMiner.Net.ProtocolLinkInfoCache.GetProtocolLinkInfo(String protocolName, String protocolVersion)
at Skyline.DataMiner.Net.CacheManager.GetProtocolLinkInfo(String protocolName, String protocolVersion)) - Unexpected Exception [Exception from HRESULT: 0x8004024C]: The element is unknown.
(Parameter Notification Thread) (
Server stack trace:
at Interop.SLDataMiner.IDataMiner.NotifyDataMiner(String bstrUser, Int32 iType, Object varValue, Object varValue2, Object& pvarReturnValue)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink._PrivateProcessMessage(IntPtr md, Object[] args, Object server, Object[]& outArgs)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg)Exception rethrown at [0]:
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)
at Interop.SLDataMiner.IDataMiner.NotifyDataMiner(String bstrUser, Int32 iType, Object varValue, Object varValue2, Object& pvarReturnValue)
at Skyline.DataMiner.Net.DataMiner.HandleRemoteRequest(IConnectionInfo connInfo, RemoteDmaRequestMessage rm)
at Skyline.DataMiner.Net.DataMiner.Handle(IConnectionInfo connInfo, InterDataMinerMessage message)
at Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Facade.HandleMessageInternal(IConnectionInfo connInfo, DMSMessage oneMsg, Int32 groupID, Int32 groupTotal)
at Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Facade.HandleMessage(IConnectionInfo connInfo, DMSMessage oneMsg, Int32 groupID, Int32 groupTotal)
at Skyline.DataMiner.Net.BaseFacade.HandleMessages(IConnectionInfo connInfo, DMSMessage[] msgs)
at Skyline.DataMiner.Net.BaseFacade.HandleMessages(DMSMessage[] messages)
at Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Notifications.Parameters.ParameterNotificationManager.ExecuteItem(NotificationQueueItem itemToExecute))
For the first one, at first sight the xml is there, elements are functioning fine with the protocol but still this issue is popping up. A reupload of the protocol xml could temper the error for a period of time but seems to get back.
What could be wrong?

Hi Gilles,
Can you check if the element has any DCF connections?
If so, can you verify that they refer to existing elements and interfaces?

No direct link found with DCF in this case, I’ve created a support task so core ecosystem can have a deeper look to it: https://collaboration.dataminer.services/task/217949
I see that this question has been inactive for some time. Have you found a solution for this yet? If yes, could you select the answer (using the ✓ icon)? If no, could you provide some more information as requested in the answer?