Hello, I have a platform that is getting from time to time a "Run Time Error", it clears automatically after some time. The active DMA reports: "Thread Problem in SLDMS.exe". When I looked at the SLDMS logs I found the following error:
2024/06/10 14:01:10.889|SLDMS.exe 10.1.2046.14502|3012|3048|CDMAData::Init|DBG|0|Getting DMA-info failed. The RPC server is unavailable. (hr = 0x800706BA)
2024/06/10 14:01:10.889|SLDMS.exe 10.1.2046.14502|3012|3048|CSystem::LocateDMA|DBG|-1|Init DMA - - failed. The RPC server is unavailable. (hr = 0x800706BA)
2024/06/10 14:01:30.441|SLDMS.exe 10.1.2046.14502|3012|3048|CRequest::RecoverConnection|DBG|0|!! Trying to launch SLNetComService because no longer available - The RPC server is unavailable. (hr = 0x800706BA)
2024/06/10 14:01:30.442|SLDMS.exe 10.1.2046.14502|3012|3048|CRequest::CreateConnection|DBG|0|-- SLNetCom object successfully created.
Do you know if this error message "The RPC server is unavailable" can be causing the RTE count? What's the meaning of this message?

Solution: The security file had duplicated groups and IDs, to solve it was necessary to delete the duplicated entries and reload the security file in all agents.
Hi Natalia,
The RPC server is unavailable. (hr = 0x800706BA) means that specific process has crashed. In your case it seems like SLDMS has crashed. I don't think this is something you will be able to fix on your own as these crashes are something we try very hard to avoid, so when they do happen it is difficult to pinpoint the cause. I would advise you to reach out to techsupport@skyline.be for further assistance.
Hope this helps,
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