Hay cierto impacto en el administrador de DataMiner si se implementa la política XDR?
La política XDR recopila y luego correlaciona datos en una diversidad de capas de seguridad., me gustaría saber si hay alguna afectación en el ecosistema de Dataminer.
There is some impact on the DataMiner administrator if the XDR policy is implemented?
The XDR policy. The XDR policy collects and then correlates data across a variety of security layers. I would like to know if there is any impact on the Dataminer ecosystem.
Hi Daniel,
I'm not sure about which XDR policy you talk, and which product you use, but in general this should not interfere with DataMiner. So, it should be no problem to activate this on the OS DataMiner is installed on. Do note although, that this will cause a certain additional load on the server.