Hi Team,
I have question regarding to dataminer deployment options. From what i understand, we have couple of option for dataminer deployment. Please find the below question:
- What is the difference between Private deployment and Private Cloud-Connected? is it the Private Cloud-Connected offers feature such as "Dataminer as a service" and "Data as a service"? (Please correct me if i wrong)
- Understand that in order to access the Dashboard and Low-Code Apps, the cloud service must be enabled. Is it required to pay for a subscription or is it free? and could explain on usage based regarding to cloud?
Your input very much appreciated.
Thank you.
Best regards
A private deployment is a standard DataMiner System, deployed by yourself in your own hosting environment (on-prem or private cloud). But not having your DataMiner System cloud-connected.
A cloud connected DataMiner System (Connecting to dataminer.services | DataMiner Docs) unlocks a whole range of additional functions. Any DataMiner System can be cloud-connected, and it is highly recommended for many reasons.
You do not need to be cloud-connected to use Dashboards and Low-code Apps though. However, one of the related cloud functions is to share a dashboard across the cloud with an external third party. In that case you have to be cloud-connected. Sharing a dashboard | DataMiner Docs
Any DataMiner System with an active maintenance contract can become cloud-connected, you have free tier that gets you covered to get started.(dataminer.services tiers - DataMiner Dojo)
I'll circle back with a separate response on the Usage Based utilization, that's a choice of business model.

You can get a DataMiner based on a classic perpetual use license (typically with annual maintenance & support contract), or based on usage.
Here you can get some more information on that:
DataMiner Pricing - DataMiner Dojo
When looking at it from a deployment perspective, if you want Usage-based, then you must be at least cloud-connected.

Hi Ben. Thank you for the link. I will look into it.
Hi Ben. Glad to hear from you and thank you for the clarification.