What does this error mean when trying to renew cloud session from Cube ?
Seppe Dejonckheere [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Edited comment 25th January 2023

My current role is indeed ‘Member’ on Cloud Admin…

Then you will have to ask and admin or owner to either make you and admin or to set up the cloud connection for you.

Thanks Seppe.
Hi Wale
renewing the Cloud Session requires the Owner role. Please make sure your role is set to owner in the Admin app.
You can find more information on Cloud Service roles here in the docs.
I hope this helps you forward.
Wale Oguntoyinbo [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Selected answer as best 24th January 2023
Could it be that you don’t have sufficient rights on the cloud platform? I think you need owner rights on the cloud platform to be able to set up the cloud connection.