I'm trying to login in dataminer cuble app, I filled username and leave password blank to enter external authentication details. I always get blank authentication popup. I re-installed dataminer cube app many times but still getting same error. Please help
This issue was due to windows defender firewall was blocking it. Please either allow public network or add in inbound Firewall Rule for DataMiner cube app.
The logon box appears to indicate that this DataMiner agent is configured for external authentication via SAML (Configuring external authentication via an identity provider using SAML | DataMiner Docs).
The window is supposed to show the login page from the identity provider.
Can you logon from another client machine, or is this happening on your client machine only?
This could be a problem with the SAML configuration, or with your client not being able to reach the identity provider.

Thanks for your response.
I’m using Ziine DataMiner demo system. I’m getting authentication popup window while accessing web app but always getting blank authentication popup window while trying to login with DataMiner Cube… I got root cause; windows defender firewall was blocking it. Now it’s working fine.

Hi Vikas – thank you for letting us know, and for sharing the root cause with the community for future reference. Thank you for your contribution.
I noticed the same Wouter. Vikas: therefore I was also wondering if you are showing a log-in of your own DataMiner System or are you trying to log in to our on-line Ziine DataMiner demo system with your DCP account?