Hi Dojo
I read this fascinating article and tried it, but Data Sources is not enabled.
The startup options are enabled and the Extension Module is up-to-date.
And I restarted WindowsServer.
But the system was never activated.
Is there something else I have to do?

Hi Yuki,
At first glance, everything seems correct with your system regarding prerequisites for DataAPI.
The only thing I can right now guess could present an issue is the HTTPS certificate in red in your screenshot.
Could you first check if opening the Console tab of your browser's Developer Tools shows any errors?
As a next step could you also check if the logs of either DataAggregator or DataAPI DxMs contain any error messages? These can be found under %programdata%\Skyline Communications\DataMiner DataAggregator\Logs and %programdata%\Skyline Communications\DataMiner DataAPI\Logs respectively.
If no error messages are present could you perform the following steps:
- Navigate to %programfiles%\Skyline Communications\DataMiner DataAggregator and locate the appsettings.json file
- Edit the Default LogLevel property to Debug
- Restart the DataMiner DataAggregator DxM service (under Windows Task Manager)
- Navigate to the https://<ip>/data-sources/ URL as you were and press the Check Again button
- Verify the DataAggregator logs again
It should show you which validations passed and which failed.
I was able to reproduce the issue, when checking the logs of DataAggregator I found the following:
Soft launch flag verification: ‘true'[DataAggregator.SoftLaunch]
Soft launch above minimum DataMiner verification: ‘true'[DataAggregator.SoftLaunch]
Soft launch DataAPI present verification: ‘true'[DataAggregator.SoftLaunch]
To solve this issue I had to restart the DataAPI service.

Hi Miguel,
If all those 3 entries have the value true then the Soft Launch screen should not be displayed and the ‘regular’ UI should, without any restart being required.
Do you happen to see if there was any issue in DataAPI’s log file?
It would be interesting if you could collect a Log Package so we investigate that strange scenario.
Hi Joao,
If I am able to reproduce again the issue, I will generate a log collector package. When I try to run the Python script from the tutorial (AMS.py) I get the following error:
ScriptExecutor#1371439109 finished script ‘script.py’ execution with result ”[DataAggregator.Application.Services.Scheduler.Jobs.Executors.ScriptExecutor]
ScriptExecutor#1371439109 script ‘script.py’ finished with errors ‘Traceback (most recent call last): File “script.py”, line 71, in value = retrieveValue(code) File “script.py”, line 38, in retrieveValue
return soup.find(‘div’, class_=’sc-iujRgT’).find(‘div’, class_=’csSFRO’).get_text().strip()
AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘get_text’
Do we need to install an extra package using pip?

Hi Miguel,
Can you try and grab the snippet again from GitHub? I just did a small update
Hi Joao,
I updated the python script and worked (I could see the element created).
Hi, I have forwarded your question to the team working on Data Sources and they will follow up.