Hi Dojo,
We are suffering some problems with dashboards-
We have several elements showing the result of a query and a trigger to refresh them.
When there's only one user, everything seems to work fine but when one more than one user is connected, the dashboard starts to crash.
Any idea?
Thanks in advance!

Hi Sebastiaan,
The elements which are controlled by a trigger, gets into refreshing cycle for about 20-30 sec. I have added a little snapshot in my first comment.

Hi Manuel, I showed Sebastiaan the video you sent me.
He’ll respond shortly

The trigger is responsible for fetching the data again. If a lot of users have the dashboard open, a lot of queries are being executed. There’s probably an exception occurring which should be visible in the Network tab of the DevTools. The network call that failed should be displayed in red (and have a code 500).
The problem was related to the size of the table that processed the query.
The issue was fixed by creating a new element that processes the table before reading it from the dashboard.
Hi Manuel, Can you elaborate on the crash? Is the page no longer responding? Do you have errors in the console (you can open the DevTools by pressing F12)?