While the new Dashboards module seems to support the creation of color themes can you help me find a way to:
- Pass the desired theme in the dashboard URL and setting up the dashboard accordingly to use this as the selected theme so that the same dashboard can be rendered with different themes
- Capture the Cube theme for the current user and use that as part of the URL in the Visio where the Dashboard is being rendered (embedded option is used)
Is this something that is already being worked on / implemented in the new dashboards module? This would again ensure more consistency across the system and its features.
PS: We also found that when manually changing the dashboard colors there are areas that we are not able to change the color of.
We also notice that highlights look very strange when going from a light to a dark color. Is this already being tackled as well?
Hi Bruno,
I believe both items (setting the theme using the URL and determining the Cube theme) are both not supported yet. However, it's an interesting idea and it totally makes sense to switch the theme of an embedded dashboard depending on the theme of Cube.
The fact that certain areas do not change colors after a theme switch and the highlighting can be considered an issue. However, I see this is a screenshot of an older dashboards application, an investigation should be done to see if these issue still occur in a later version.

Feel free to create a NSF for the first request.
For the issue, I’m not aware of any fixes for this but I believe it’s best to double check this in 10.0.13.
Hi Sebastiaan,
Thank you for your reply.
Should we create a new feature task to accommodate the first request?
Regarding the issue observed, the screenshot reports a Dashboard module hotfixed into 9.6.5. The system will be shortly upgraded to 10.0.13. Do you think this issue won’t be seen in this new version? Was this ever observed in integration testing?