Hi Dojo,
I'm experimenting with a CloudConnected system, with the aim to simplify access to the data in our Dashboards: I've noticed that the Dashboard App is available once the DMS is cloud-connected,
however, the Dashboard icon is not present in the "DataMiner Systems" section of the homepage
when landing on https://dataminer.services:
I'm logging a feature suggestion to check if this could be added in any upcoming release:
Hi Alberto
thank you for your request. There is a technical reason why we do this.
The dashboards app requires an extra license which we cannot detect yet in the Cloud. Therefore we chose not to show the icon for now.

Hi Alberto
no this is just forwarding requests to the local dataminer through a proxy and is not requesting any extra information on the licensing.
Thanks Baptiste for your feedback – just one clarification, please: the icon seems present when going to “myCluster.on.dataminer.services” (1st screenshot) – isn’t that detected via the cloud side too?