Dear dojo,
I have created a protocol assigned to many different element (tv channels). I want to create a dashboard with many tables (not parameter table) for every different element (channel). How can I assign a table to a single element using the dashboard app?
Thank you

Hi Marco,
For this use case you could use a 'table' component instead of the 'parameter table' component. When creating a GQI query to receive values from a parameter (e.g. using the data source 'Get parameters for elements where'), you could use a feed to filter information from a specific element:
In the feed, you could use 'Elements' as data source. To display elements from a specific protocol, you could use the 'Protocols' data source.
If you would like to display a table per element, you could use the same filter option, but this time the value will need to be set manually. In this case, you will need to create a query per element
Hope it helps.
Thank you. I solved the problem
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