Hi Dojo,
I have just created a dashboard with a GQI table to show the status of some switches. Is it possible to correctly sort my uptime column by longest uptime, as it seems to be sorting based on the first digit. So 1090 days is shown above 3 days, which is above 31 days, which is above 406 days. I expect the issue wouldn't happen if there were leading zeros, but the data isn't in the element with leading zeros.
Hi Dave - others my have more input on this, but in any case I wanted to share already that maybe you can opt for a custom operator (if reformatting that data works around the sorting limitation that there seems to be). With a custom operator, you can take data from any columns, manipulate it / reformat it, and create a new column with the result of that. Configuring a custom operator for a query | DataMiner Docs
Irrespective, it is a very handy capability that can be used for many fun use cases, so worth knowing about.

In the answers of this question: https://community.dataminer.services/question/low-code-app-table-component-sorting-on-ip-address-column/?hilite=sort
you can find an example on how to build a custom operator that sorts the column in a specific way, maybe you can use it as a base.

Thanks for the suggestions Ben and Sebastian(s).
I haven’t tried Custom Operator yet, as I believe that it’s still in soft launch, but it sounds like it might do the trick, especially when a device API returns values are a mixture of text and numbers.
Certainly, I think the problem here is that the column is currently being treated as text, causing it to consider only the first digit rather than interpreting the entire digit. By implementing a custom operator, you can convert this text into a number, and you can even preserve the display value. Once it’s recognized as a number, the sorting should function as intended.