Hello, I'm evaluating the possibility of presenting a report in a dashboard with trend data of an event that is no longer live in a system. As the data of the event is stored in a table of an element, once the event is complete the row associated gets deleted.
I'm wondering if there is a way to get the trend data of the parameters of the deleted row using a SLNet call in order to present it in a dashboard, or if there is an easier way to get this data without using SLNet at all.

In the squad we have created a GQI ad hoc script to query the data directly from Cassandra:
SkylineCommunications/SLC-GQIDS-RetrieveTrendData: GQI ad-hoc data source that retrieves timestamp and value from a data table in Cassandra (github.com)
This is specific to a connector type but can be modified as needed to any other one.
Hi Sebastian,
In the legacy reporter, you can access trend data of historic indices.
Hi Sebastian,
If you want to keep the data it does not make sense to delete the row IMO.
There is a way as trend data will only get removed from DB through expiration. So you will need to access the DB directly to do this, meaning you will not be able to use it as you are used to with a nice trend graph. So if your goal is to access the data in a dashboard with a nice trend graph I believe your only option is not to delete the row from the table.
Important remark: If you have a table that is not volatile and you have a lot of change in keys (rows being added and removed continuously), you can have problems on DB level depending on how frequently new keys get generated. Keys are being kept by default for 10 days in DB even if you delete them, this is to ensure if a DB node missed the delete it can still see it is marked as deleted for 10 days to avoid the data coming back to life from a node missing the delete.
Hi Sebastian,
Have any of these answers helped you find a solution yet, or have you found a solution in the meantime? Could you select the best answer or add your solution in that case, so we can close this question?