Hello everyone,
I'm encountering an issue with the dashboard scheduler functionality that's affecting my email configuration process:
When I rename a dashboard or move it to a different folder the dashboard becomes unavailable in the scheduler for approximately 24 hours, during this period, I cannot select it to configure email scheduling
1. Is this a known behavior?
2. Why does this delay occur?
3. Is there any way to bypass this waiting period?
4. Are there any best practices for managing dashboard reorganization without disrupting scheduler functionality?
Any insights or workarounds would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Hi Alexandre,
I believe the issue is caused by the Cube client caching all dashboards in its session. Could you check if the dashboard becomes available again after restarting Cube?
We're actively looking into options for allowing dashboard renaming and moving. However, at the moment, these changes impact the scheduler functionality.

Indeed, this is something that needs to be resolved in the software. For the time being, the dashboard will need to get selected and configured again in the scheduler item. We'll place an update here once it's resolved.
Hello Sebastiaan,
Thank you for your answer.
I just tried it and indeed it appears in the scheduler when i rename it.
But when i'm moving it , it still detects it but i cannot configure it , it says :
Something went wrong during the migration.