I have a requirement to display a list of alarms for a selected group of resources or for a specific view in the dashboard app. Is it possible to show the list of alarms (may be table component) that belong to a particular group of elements in the Dashboard app? If yes, please let me know how.

As this question has now been inactive for a very long time, I will close it. If you still want more information about this, could you post a new question?
Yes, it is possible to display the list of alarms associated to a group (e.g., under a view) of DataMiner entities in the web apps.
- Using the alarm component (Alarm table | DataMiner Docs), it is possible to filter by view (example 1)
- Using queries GQI (Get alarms | DataMiner Docs) + the table component (Table | DataMiner Docs), you can filter by any of the exposed parameters (example 2).

Hi Rene,
Thank you! Unfortunately, we are currently on version, so neither of those options are not available to us. Do we have any other options with our current version?

The “Alarm table” component is indeed only available from DataMiner 10.1.5/10.2.0 onwards, but the “Table” component and GQI are available from DataMiner 10.0.13 onwards, so this should be available in your system. Could you check if the “Table” component is available in the visualizations pane for you? If it is, and you add this component to the dashboard, you should be able to configure a GQI query under the “Queries” node in the Data pane on the right.
I see that this question has been inactive for some time. Do you still need assistance with this? If not, could you select the answer to indicate that the question is resolved?