I want create a custom connector which will fetch the data from a custom api. Currently I have a custom GQI which fetches data from the custom APi, so now I want to leverage or develop some custom connector which will fetch data from custom API.
How can I achieve this?

Actually I want get alarms info from multiple dataminer cluster, so for now as alternative I have created a custom API which is used by custom GQI to get the information. Now, I want to write custom connector which should use the custom API which I have created in dataminer to retrieve the information.
Hi Apurva,
If you want to create a custom connector, you have two options to achieve this:
- Develop a connector using DIS (DataMiner Integration Studio) and the required skills for connector development.
- Use a scripted connector.
For more information about scripted connectors, you can refer to:
Kata #18: Creating a scripted connector – DataMiner Dojo
Scripted Connectors are here! – DataMiner Dojo
Hi Apurva,
Please could you elaborate a bit more your question? The title of your question implies that you would to get information from multiple DataMiner clusters, but the description of your question is related to a custom API.