I've added action buttons linked to an automation script in a table in a Custom App:
How do I get the row index (PK or DK doesn't matter) of that row for my automation script?
Great question and thanks for checking out the application framework!
This is indeed a common use case but unfortunately we currently lack the functionality to link the script to the current row. We strongly believe that this is valuable so we'll put this high on our product backlog. I'll update this question once we have introduced the required functionality.
Note that we are also looking into feed support for automation scripts. This will allow you to use any feed as an input for your automation script. We aim to have this fully available in 10.2.5.

Hi Robin, my update is a bit overdue. Feeding values from the current row (and much more) is available as of 10.4. More information: https://community.dataminer.services/table-templates-a-revolution-in-customization-and-creativity
Thanks for letting me know, looking forward to any update!