In a visual overview, we have a video thumbnail with as source files stored on the DataMiner server (accessible to IIS).
Since the upgrade to DM10, the Visio seems to ask for the credentials to load the thumbnail each time the card is opened.
It didn't do this before the upgrade.
Is there a way to have these credentials saved?
If that's not possible, can we use a user with limited rights and predefine the thumbnail to use these credentials?

An issue was found and fixed.
For the answer to this question, refer to Jeroen's comment above.
Hi Jeroen, can you try adding user credentials to the URL like below? It's recommended to set up a dedicated user with very limited rights for this.
This is not recommended and could lead to a security threat, as this puts a user&pass visible for any DataMiner user and these credentials could leak out as it’s not even send over a secure connection…
Instead, Cube should take care of sending an http header with an authentication token of the current logged-in user in Cube.
Cube should take care of the authentication (it should include an http-header with an authentication token of the currently logged-in user when requesting the videothumbnails webpage). If you get a login popup then something went wrong. This should get further investigated by our Cube software development team.
PS: The values of the url parameters (like type, source, etc) should actually be url-encoded.