Hi, I'm trying to create a service whereby the list of alarms to exclude is much smaller than the list of alarms to be included. For example the table below has 53 alarms and I would like to exclude only 3 alarms.
On this help page, Adding a service | DataMiner Docs, step #8-5 provides some guidance on including alarms using '*' and '?' characters.
I would like to find out if a 'not' operator is supported here so that only 3 entries has to be specified.
That's an interesting perspective - including "All parameters except..." a few you don't need - but I don't think this is made possible yet (will subscribe to see if other users know a way to achieve this). I'd refer to parameters rather than alarms (as the latter is a specific type of parameter) and for some parameters you may need to add a filter - I guess this is the reason behind the current implementation.
In your example, if you feel "User Alarm 4", "... 5" & "...6" are not to be included in your service, do they need to stay at device layer? If not, could you simply exclude these 3 parameters in the Alarm template and then use the "All parameters" option for your service creation?

The not(!) operator is supported but you will still need to explicity add the rows you want to include once you use the filter option, so not exactly what you want. I’m leaning towards Albertos suggestion of just excluding those rows in your alarm template then select ‘All Paramters’ in your service template.