Hello Dojo community !,
The correlation rule with specified alarm filters as follows:
I have a correlation rule that is designed to filter alarms and trigger an automation script. The script executes correctly and provides the expected output for correlated alarms. However, one of my filters, specifically 'Alarm type = new,' seems to capture both new active alarms entering the system and historical active alarms. My intention is for the automation script to only run when a new alarm enters and not on old active alarms. Am I missing any filters or options in the correlation rule that can help achieve this distinction? I would appreciate any insights or suggestions on how to address this issue.

Elvio, your question sounds different from the one in the OP. Let me rephrase both so we can clarify what we need to solve here:
Question in the OP is asking how we can avoid that the correlation rule triggers on alarms that already exist in the system the moment it is enabled.
Your question is asking how we can make a correlation rule trigger only for a specific “latest” alarm. I’m not sure what you mean by that but to me that sounds like you want to group multiple together or look for some kind of persistency and trigger on that?
Hi Toon,
Yes, “Question in the OP is asking how we can avoid that the correlation rule triggers on alarms that already exist in the system the moment it is enabled.” is because the correlation is triggering also for the alarms of that filter that were already “active”. However, on this case, we are actually not sure if the correlation is triggering multiple times, but the script is running once for every alarm present on the filter when the correlation triggers at the time of the last alarm arrival.

Weird question, but is that a big problem? Because once the rule is activated, the problem is over, right? So up until that point you could just make the script fail and then fix the script afterwards?

I see that this question has been inactive for some time. Have you found a solution for this yet? If yes, could you add an answer with this information for reference for other users?
As this question has been inactive for a long time, we will now close it. If you still want further information, could you post a new question?
Dojo, the script is running once per active alarm captured by the script, however, it needs to run only for the latest alarm which is the one triggering the correlation. How can this be achieved?