Hi everyone
At the moment I'm trying to create a system to retrive the live event booking, create a schedule on dataminer, and setup the element necessary for the RF downlink.
But I have a few questions regaring the best approch.
I have at the moment a custom app that hold all the live event booking, I can retrive these information with an API, then, how I can import these information on DM? with an API to create a Job?
But my lack of information is how from a Job I can book my devices and setup it based on the information provided from my previus created Job?
I think with a automation scripts I can configure the parameters of the elements, but how I can invoke it from a job when the event before the start?
At the moment we don't have the SRM, so we have to work without it at the moment.
Hi Marco,
The correct way to achieve what you want is indeed to use SRM.
Without that, you can create a connector that retrieves the data from the API and then with a periodic timer you check what actions need to be done, though that will have scalability issues.
You can also try to create schedule tasks, but again, you will have scalability issue due to the amount of tasks that you will need to create.
If you use a connector you don’t need to use the Jobs, entries on a table should be enough. Then a periodic timer reads the table and performs the needed actions according to the current time.
If you use Jobs you need to use schedule tasks to trigger scripts that will perform the actions.
Hi Jorge
Thanks for your response, then I’ll try both the ways.
Do you know in case where I can find the API to interact with the Job and scheduler module? I can’t find the C# API

Hi Marco
Regarding Jobs, there is a JobManagerHelper available. this helper is the starting point for doing Job related actions (create, read, update, delete) You can for example find some info here: https://docs.dataminer.services/develop/api/types/Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Jobs.JobManagerHelper.html
Regarding the Scheduler module, unfortunately (as far as I’m aware), there is no easy, straightforward API available.
Thanks Jorge for your response.
Yeah I know that I should use SRM, but I’m not have this possibility right now.
Anyway do you talk about a connector, so is not better to use the API that dataminer expose to create the jobs without a connector?
Moreover what might be the next steps? is this what I’m missing, I should create a scheduled task for each jobs?