Good Afternoon Team,
We want to know if you see this message on the logs of a element:
SLElement.exe|12884|SL_NOTIFY::Execute|DBG|-1|Needed 146 ms to notify one change for element xxxx/xxxx [Parameter Changes].
You know what is the meaning of this? Or why dataminer generate this log?
The timing logging was introduced to aid the user in identifying which action is possibly affected by a slow response behavior in DataMiner. By default, the logging is generated when an action takes longer than 100ms, that number can be changed(please consult the squad responsible for your account, should you wish so).
What the logging mean:
- "Needed xxxx ms to handle a Subscribe request for element dmaid/eid"
- Setting up subscription for a client
- "Needed xxxx ms to handle an Unsubscribe request for element dmaid/eid"
- Ending a subscription for a client
- "Needed xxxx ms to acquire lockClients (element dmaid/eid pid pid)" from ClientsActive method
- "Needed xxxx ms to find out which clients are subscribed (element dmaid/eid pid pid)" from ClientsActive method
- ClientsActive method checks if a change needs to be forwarded to one or more clients
- "Needed xxxx ms to notify one change for element dmaid/eid [xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]" from NotifySLNet method
- Actual forwarding of changed data to SLNet
- "UpdateSubscribers took xxxx ms for parameter pid"
- Checks if special table updates need to be sent out (for clients using a filtered table subscription)