Dear Dojo,
is it possible to customise tables such as colouring individual rows on dashboard?
If in a column there is "yes" then colours the row in green, not only the single cell.
If in a column there is "no" then colours the row in red, not only the single cell.
Something like that.
Thank you
Hi Marco,
If you want to do this on connector level, you can look into the "RowTextColor" option. Please check Options overview | DataMiner Docs for more details. See also the example below
<Param id="1000" trending="false">
<Description>Table 2</Description>
<ArrayOptions index="0" displayColumn="1">
<!--Key & Index-->
<ColumnOption idx="0" pid="1001" type="index" value="" options=";save"/>
<ColumnOption idx="1" pid="1002" type="custom" value="" options=";save"/>
<ColumnOption idx="2" pid="1003" type="custom" value="" options=";save"/>
<ColumnOption idx="3" pid="1004" type="custom" value="" options=";save"/>
<ColumnOption idx="4" pid="1005" type="custom" value="" options=";save"/>
<ColumnOption idx="5" pid="1010" type="custom" value="" options=";save"/>
<ColumnOption idx="6" pid="1012" type="custom" value="" options=";save"/>
<ColumnOption idx="7" pid="1014" type="custom" value="" options=";save;rowTextColoring"/>
<Text>DVE Table</Text>
<LengthType>next param</LengthType>
<Type options="tab=columns:1001|0-1002|1-1003|2-1004|3-1005|4-1010|5-1012|6-1014|7,lines:20,width:100-100-100-100-100-100-100-100,sort:int-string-int-string-string-int-string-string,filter:true">table</Type>
<Param id="1014" trending="true">
<RawType>numeric text</RawType>
<LengthType>next param</LengthType>
<Discreet options=";rowTextColor=#FF0000">
<Discreet options=";rowTextColor=#00FF00">
<Discreet options=";rowTextColor=#0000FF">
<Discreet options=";rowTextColor=#00FFFF">
<Display>One Hundred</Display>
The resulting table can look something like this:
Thank you Michiel but I need colouring the rows of a table in a low-code app. Your suggest looks good, I’ll remember it. Thanks
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