Hi all,
I updated all Cloud DataMiner Extension Modules to the most recent version by simply clicking "Install All" on the Nodes page of https://admin.dataminer.services. It appears that all installations were successful, as the current version of every component matches the latest available version. Nevertheless, upon inspecting the Deployments page, I observed an error listed alongside the CloudGateway package.
Is there a way for me to verify the correctness of the installation? It seems that while the Nodes page reflects the latest versions, the Deployments page indicates an error.
Hi Leander
can you click on the errored deployment in the overview page to see what step lists an error? You can click on the step to see more detials.
If you want to check if the installation was successful I suggest you log on to the server find the DxM in your Task Manager. From there you can right click on it, open the properties and then go to the "Details" tab. There you will find the version of the DxM.

Alternatively you can connect to the server, go to Apps > Installed apps and filter on “DataMiner”, this will give you an easy overview of all installed DxM’s (together with its version, installation date, …).

So I did some more digging and saw that 6 deployments happened on your system. All of these got handled well, but after the last deployment the agent was not able to send the events to the cloud. This is an edge case we will need to look into. What happens is that the Orchestrator will install the new DxM versions and then use an endpoint on the CloudGateway to send events to the cloud about the deployments. Problem here was that the CloudGateway was still starting after its update, which meant that the endpoint was not up yet so the events got lost. Since the events got lost the deployment was given the status timeout.
Thanks for the prompt response, Baptiste. It’s helpful to be aware that the version can also be verified in the task manager. This appears to align with the version stated on the Nodes page, suggesting that the deployment was executed correctly.
I don’t immediately see any errors in the details. There is a JSON value for the following steps: ResolvedDataMinerUserName, AddedToQueue, and RetrieveArtifactInfo. However, none of them seem to indicate an actual error, unless I’m missing something.