Hi I have read the article on changing the IP address of DMA's but I'm still a bit confused on if anything is needed on the other nodes in the cluster.
Current installed version is 10.1 this is part of a larger update project as I know there are differences between version 10.1 and 10.2 regarding NATS
I know there are several locations to go and update the IP address in config files to which have done on two servers being added into the cluster. But we are moving the servers over to virtual and there is an IP address change so as well as doing all of the bits for changing the IP address on the servers we are moving do we have to do anything to the cluster?
Hi Richard,
From our documentation, you need to follow the 'Failover DMA in a DMS' or 'DMA in a DMS using a Cassandra cluster' steps. The last one is if you are using Cassandra Cluster (one Cassandra DB for the complete DMS) where Cassandra and/or Elastic/OpenSearch is running on the Server itself. In our DB architectures documentation, the option to have one Cassandra DB for the complete DMS is called Dedicated clustered storage.
Hope this clarifies it a bit.
If the VIP and IP changes in a cluster, the most easy way to do this is stop all the agents in your cluster and update the dms.xml on every system. Once everything has been updated you can start your agents again. The cluster should normally be healthy again.
NAS should automatically recreates his connection table.
Hi Michiel,
Richard is mainly on about does the cluster automatically update with the new DMA VIP on the rest of the DMA’s in the cluster when it start talking to them again, or does the new IP need updating on each DMA etc.