When changing the password of local users via a DMA in a cluster, then that password change is synced throughout the cluster.
It's possible to change the password of the local built-in administrator account via Cube as well, so I expect the same behavior. However with this account, I'd like some confirmation that there won't be any issues (f.e. communication), no extra steps need to be taken (f.e. no new ConnectionStrings),... when changing its password.
If so, is there any specific guide/procedure to follow?

No connectionstrings are configured
It is possible to change the local password with DataMiner and in a cluster i would even advice to so that all of them change at the same time and to make sure our cache is up to date that a new password is used.
However we had issues in the past that for some reason the password change did not receive some servers in the cluster, or at for some reason windows did not process the password correct (e.g. when password policy isn't the same on all servers), this can cause disconnects and other side effects
So it's adviced to be standby to manually change them on the servers as well, the safest way i can think of is to bring down all DMA, change all the passwords locally and then yet another time through the UI
Are there any connectionstrings configured on the DMS already? If so, are they using the Administrator user?