We're having problems connecting to the main Cassandra node. The backup node is not a problem and can be connected to without issues, so I guess the credentials are the same accross a Cassandra cluster?
nodetool status shows both nodes are up and running normally.
I also double checked the firewall is off ; and the port in yaml is the standard 9042
Is there anything else I could check?

In the meantime I’ve performed a reboot.
Something was stuck on Cassandra
You can check if the Cassandra node is listening for connections on port 9042.
If its not you will have this issue and will probably need to restart the Cassandra service.

It was indeed no longer listening.
I tried restarting the service, but get the message:
Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
In windows services it’s indicated as still ‘Stopping’

That’s probably an indication that the node is not entirely healthy. You can check the Cassandra logs (C:\Program Files\Cassandra\logs) to see any indication of issues. Otherwise a good old fashion reboot might be in order.

a reboot resolved the problem
Do you see any errors in the log file SLDBConnection.txt ?