We prefer not to add the two NIC IP addresses as separate individual elements for the device. Instead, we require a single element that displays the status of both NICs within it. is that possible ?

Hi Miguel,
To clarify, we have two NIC ports with different IP addresses on the same DTH-A NATX device: DTH-A-NIC 1 and DTH-A-NIC 2. If we set them up as separate elements, we’ll end up polling the same data twice from the same device.
We want to avoid this by implementing network redundancy monitoring. The goal is to have only one IP polled at a time. If the primary IP isn’t responding, the secondary IP should take over. If neither IP is working, it should show a device communication error. for this scenario redundancy groups option will work?

Hi Aejith,
I see that this question has been inactive for some time. Do you still need help with this? If not, could you select the answer (using the ✓ icon)?
Hi Aejith,
Can I ask why you would like to avoid creating two elements? What potential issues/constraints do you anticipate with using two elements?
Is it not an option to use redundancy groups?