Hi Dojo,
I have a CMTS element that received traps and generates (or clears) alarms based on those traps.
I have noticed a few alarms that are cleared on the device but DataMiner never clears the alarm:
So the device is fine, but there is a pending alarm yet to be cleared, which will need to be cleared manually.
The system in question is currently under alarm storm protection mode.
Can the delays introduced by the alarm storm mode impact the reception of traps causing some alarms to not be cleared?
Thank you for your help.
The Alarm Storm Protection is a mechanism that only applies to the DataMiner Cube client, i.e. to protect the client app from an unreasonable amount of alarm messages flooding it and making it difficult to work with. It does not affect the processing and ingest of the SNMP traps that come in. If you are dealing with traps, then it might be that some traps were never received by DataMiner (i.e. they are sent via UDP and can get lost without the CMTS or DataMiner being aware of that).

You mean that you have missing alarm messages (that are triggered by SNMP traps) across various elements across the entire DataMiner System?

Indeed that is what was reported.

In that case one culprit could be external to DataMiner, i.e. that traps simply get lost on the network, and never reach DataMiner.
Indeed. The issue here is that it is not only one or two elements, but a whole cluster.
I am trying to scratch off the list as many culprits as I can.