Hi, one of our user asked if we can install Symantec antivirus in dataminer platform?
Hi Pramod,
See our point of view regarding antivirus software : https://community.dataminer.services/documentation/regarding-antivirus-software/?hilite=%27antivirus%27
The answer is yes but there are conditions/remarks.

FYI: This documentation is moved to docs.dataminer.services, where you can search on ‘antivirus’.
Here is a direct link:

Hi Miguel, the link is opening Google Search, not community page..
Hi Pramod,
URL updated

None of the links work anymore. Can we get an updated link please?

This is moved to docs.dataminer.services, where you can search on ‘antivirus’.
Here is a direct link:
Thanks Koen. I will share this information and links further.