Hi Skyline
Please suggest the best way to monitor 176 SLAs and for reporting. Any other suggestion other than using the dashboard?
Thank you.

Hi Ben, required the status of 176 SLAs along with the outage list for the previous month (SLA is configured fixed window by month). Expecting for one solution for reporting rather than recording the SLA one by one.
Which dashboard method are you using at this point in time? I can imagine a couple of ways to have a nice overview in both dashboard & Visio.
In the "old" reporter module there was a possibility to have all results side by side for all SLAs.
However with our new GQI dashboards, available from 10.0 onwards
Dashboards app | DataMiner Docs
you can actually do smart filtering, linking, etc which would allow you to have real time updates and overview of any SLA KPIs almost any way you can think of
e.g. In your case i can imagine you want to show the top breaching elements, which is perfectly possible in such a dashboard
Another approach i use often when i want to have the same parameter for many elements at the same time is the histogram feature Working with histograms | DataMiner Docs
You don't have to configure anything to retrieve histograms but there will be some work to set up the GQI dashboard but there are some very nice tutorials already online:
Hi – just to clarify, when you ask for the ‘best way to monitor’ are you referring to ways of displaying the information for 176 SLAs on the screen?