We used a DataMiner backup (.dmbackup file) to restore a system.
This system includes some elements that generates some DVEs and we notice that, after the restore, the DVEs were using a new element ids. A different situation from the parent/regular elements, where DataMiner kept the same element id.
Is this expected?
We were using DataMiner 10.1.2.
Bruno Dias [SLC] [DevOps Member] Selected answer as best 14th June 2021
Hi Bruno, just to make this point more visible:
- DVE information is stored in the database, so to retain your DVE configuration, you must save and restore full backups with the database included.
In Cassandra, the table responsible for DVE information is dveelementinfo. You can find your DVE element IDs there:
Alexander Gorbunov [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Answered question 10th June 2021