I am looking to create an automation script that takes a parameter of "days" that can be any combination of days of the week. I'd like it to be similar to a memory file dropdown where the user can select, for example, "Monday", "Tuesday", and "Thursday" or any other combination of a single day or multiple days. Is this possible using a memory file? Perhaps the list of days in a week with checkboxes for the days. Something exactly like the days selection in the schedule app when selecting weekly and then having the option of days to check.
Thank you!

Hi Christopher,
I believe the best option is to use an interactive automation script. You could use the IAS toolkit library to create it. For your use case, an option could be using the checkbox list.
Hope it helps.

I’d like this script to trigger off of a correlation rule without any user interaction beyond providing the parameters when configuring the correlation rule so I don’t think an interactive automation script will help me in this situation.
Hi Christopher,
If you would like to run the automation script from a correlation rule, then indeed an interactive automation script will not be an option.
For this case, as far as I know the only option will be using dummies, parameters, or memory files to pass values to a script from a correlation rule. A possible workaround for your use case will to pass all the values concatenated with a separator.
Hope it helps.
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