I'm working on a custom chat bot command that retrieves the last BPA results. See repo here: SkylineCommunications/SLC-AS-ChatOps-BPA (github.com).
The script uses the following NuGet packages:
which results in the following DLL references when deploying the script on the agent:
The problem I'm facing is that the "AdaptiveCards" NuGet does not seem to be compatible with the latest NewtonSoft NuGet (13.0.2 in this case) which is (from what I understood) referenced in the "Skyline.DataMiner.Core.DataMinerSystem.Automation" NuGet. If I manually change the reference for the NewtonSoft NuGet to version 11.0.2 (C:\Skyline DataMiner\ProtocolScripts\DllImport\newtonsoft.json\11.0.2\lib\net45\Newtonsoft.Json.dll), then my command is working as expected.
Is there anyway to enforce the use of that specific NuGet version so I don't have to manually change this after deploying my script?
Hi Joey
Currently we don't have a way to force lower versions of Newtonsoft. Keep in mind that lower versions also have security vulnerabilities. That is why it's advised to keep using the latest Newtonsoft versions. I would suggest to create an issue on their repository. I saw that someone else has an issue with it as well, but it seems there isn't much activity focused on that, so it could be that they won't update soon.

Hi Joey
This is indeed related to the issue from the question. Unfortunately, we don’t have a fix for this yet, but we are looking into it.
Hi Michiel, I have been trying to reproduce this issue in a console application but I’m unable to. No matter what version I’m using of the NewtonSoft NuGet in combination with the AdaptiveCards NuGet, I never run into that issue. Could this be related to this question (which was for a protocol): https://community.dataminer.services/question/dis-importing-dllimports-wrong