What is the correct method to check for a timeout state on an Element object in automation?
We're running a backup script for IDP configuration.
Since it's not using dummies, it's not failing the script, but we should still check for a timeout on the element before attempting to capture the config file from the managed element.
Hi Jeroen,
If you are not using the Code Library, you can use generic parameter 65008.
if (!thisElement.IsActive || Convert.ToInt32(thisElement.GetParameter(65008)) == 7)
engine.ExitFail("Element not available.");

Hi Stijn, that’s a valid remark.
I’ve updated the answer above for future reference.
Hi Jeroen,
When you use the Code Library you can make use of below code example
Hi Ive,
Shouldn’t you first check if the element is active before executing a ‘GetParameter’ call? It will fail if the element is stopped.