Hi. Is there a way to assign the same Baseline value to all elements? This is for the ATEME Titan Live protocol. I'd like to trigger an alarm on the encoders which are not on the latest firmware (, so I was thinking about assigning this value to all Baseline rows, but the only way I've found so far is to manually enter the value in each row and that is a lot of effort. Also, when a newer firmware version becomes available in the future, I would have to go throught the same work of manually updating the baselines again.
I found another way which is manually adding the old firmware versions as a warning threshold, but this isn't ideal as I will have to audit all encoders from time to time to make sure that all firmware variations are present on the list. Thank you.
Hi Adam,
Perhaps not entirely equivalent, but you may set the alarm template to have a normal value with the latest SW version and then, on any other severity level, use an * as a wildcard:
The above template will alarm any element if the version is not You can also use ? as a wildcard as per our documentation
Next time you have a newest version, just change the normal level, to have alarms on all those elements not reporting yet that version.

Hi Gelber. Apologies for the delayed reply. This is a great solution, much appreciated. 🙂