I need help to configure syslog on the Arista driver.
Also interested to learn what needs to be configured on the Arista switch.
Syslog configuration on the arista:
On the arista system, make sure to enable Syslog messages to be forwarded to the IP of the dataminer server hosting your arista element.
This can be done from the configuration mode using the 'logging host {dmaip}' command.
Syslog configuration in dataminer:
In the element configuration, validate that the value 'any' is defined for the polling IP of the serial connection.
Next to the above configurations, make sure the firewall on the dataminer server and network allows UDP port 514
More details on how to configure your elements using the arista manager can also be found on the driver help page.
The driver help can be accessed from the element context menu (upper left corner of your element card) or through the context menu on the driver name in the protocols and templates app.

very nice information.