According to the DataMiner Mediation Layer Help, a protocol can be created to place a different view on an element, so different protocols can have the same look and feel and can generally be used by automation and correlation.
Such a protocol appears in the Protocols & Templates app between the other protocols.
-Is it the intention that an element can be created that directly uses such a mediation protocol? This is currently allowed by the UI.
-Alarm and trend templates can also be created for a mediation protocol: Is this also the intention? If so, how can such an alarm template be assigned to a real element that uses a different protocol?
Hi Laurens,
Mediation layer/base protocol drivers are not intended to be used directly on a device.
Mediation drivers/parameters only exist on the highest level and are mainly used to map between there and the actual device parameters. In that sense, defining alarm or trend templates on the mediation layer makes no sense. There's no functionality available to share a mediation alarm/trend template across different real drivers.
Ideally both of these actions should have been disallowed in the UI.