I get a voice alert every few minutes from the dataminer. Is there a way to turn off this output?
Thank you!
It is a text to speech, but this option is not active in the alarm tab settings.
Hi @all
Many thanks for the help.
The "Audible alert" option is greyed out for me.
Could you check if you have the necessary rights to modify this option? You can find information about this here: https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Basic_Functionality/Alarms/Working_with_alarms/Working_with_the_Alarm_Console/Configuring_a_custom_alert_sound_for_an_alarm_tab.html?q=audiblealert
I installed the newest version and that solved the problem.
Thank you.
Is that voice alert like a text to speech thing? Which text is being read out? Or is it just an alert sound?