This relates to another question I posted recently, but is still quite a separate topic.
Essentially I have a decoder which can have 1 or two TS inputs, and has a parameter table to keep the state and information of those inputs.
What I'd like to achieve (in addition to extra complexity from my other question, which I'll leave out of this question) is if one input is showing as 'unlocked' then that is a critical alarm, but if both are showing unlocked then that's a critical alarm, but as these the same parameter but different rows I think this has to be done with quite a few lines in the alarm template based on conditions from the other input.
Is that the only way to achieve this, or is there a better way?
There is on the Ateme Decoder protocol a 'Decoder Probe' set of param tables - if these table rows are not populated (i.e. no rows in the table) then that could be what I set as a critical alarm - because it means neither TS input is locked, and I think I would prefer that, so that the ts input lock will always just be major, not critical, but I'm pretty sure I can't alarm on the lack of a table row, so what's the best advice to achieve what I want here please?
Thanks, James.

Hi James,
I see that this question has been inactive for some time. Do you still need help with this? If not, could you select the most relevant answer to indicate that the question is resolved?

As this question has now been inactive for a long time, I will close it. If you still want more information, could you post a new question?
Hi James,
For the first use case, a possible option is to use a correlated alarm. You could try creating a correlation rule based on the conditions that you describe in your question. For this case, you will need to enable monitoring on these column so it can be used in the alarm filter.
For he second use case, I believe it will make sense to update the connector and add a single parameter that counts the number of rows for the TS Inputs table.
Hope it helps.
Hi James,
Would it be a possibility to add a “Service” layer over your device monitoring done with alarm templates?