Hi All
I am trying to build a dashboard to display alarm history for an element and include a filter (radio buttons) to adjust the time span.
Tried to build a query to do this but its not working based on the time range, also trying to add the time range but cant work out how to add the buttons
This is what I have so far, not much

hi Sebastiaan,
I have the buttons working to adjust the time span now, however it seems to be an issue when i am filtering on the from and the to timespan set in Time Range 1.
What is the best way to add into the query to only select alarms between the given time period based on Root Time?

Hi Ryan,
I see that this question has been inactive for some time. Do you still need help with this? If not, could you select the answer (using the ✓ icon) to indicate that the question is resolved?
Hi Ryan,
You can link the dates from your filter operators in GQI to the time range component. Be sure to click the chain icon to the right of those dates and select the From and To from the Timespan of the time range component.
Changing the time range will then trigger a new execution of the query.
My setup looks something like this:
Hi Ryan, I’m unable to reproduce the issues on my end. Could you try building your query step by step? Start by checking if the element filtering works correctly, then confirm if the time range filter behaves as expected. Also, could you provide more details about your button use case? Specifically, which buttons are you looking to add, and what functionality do they serve?