Hi all,
We are trying to get some details from an alarm but we are having some problems when the alarm is already closed. In fact, we need to retrieve the "Close time".
We tried using engine.GetAlarmProperty(DMAID,ALARMID,"AlarmTime") but also the SLNET message GetAlarmDetailsMessage(DMAID,ALARMID)
Do you know a method to get that time and other properties from already closed alarms?
Thank you in advance,
Hi Pedro, you could take a look at GetHistoryAlarmsMessage call? When it's closed normally it's then a history alarm.

GetHistoryAlarmsMessage ham = new GetHistoryAlarmsMessage();
ham.DataMinerID = element.DMAID;
ham.HostingDataMinerID = element.HostingDMAID;
ham.time = time;
GetHistoryAlarmsResponse hamResp = engine.SendSingleResponseMessage(ham) as GetHistoryAlarmsResponse;
Also, I would like to warn using slnet calls, these could change in the future. If the engine class as described in the help lacks functionality, a new feature request could be done. Please contact your person within Skyline or add a feature suggestion here: https://community.dataminer.services/feature-suggestions.
Hi Pedro,
Please also have a look at the answers of a similar question:
Hi Kevin, thank you very much!
Do you know any example or documentation for that call?
Kind regards!